Pit Master

The man the myth the Gorilla in the Smoke TapDat with over 20 years of culinary experience in many forms is dedicated to KEEPING the "Fading ART of REAL Pit Fired BBQ" front and center where it belongs! While bridging the gap of "infused" menu items along the way. Breaking the stigma of stoners are unsuccessful. Long time supporter and advocate of the "plant" myself and the many benefits it contains for the human body.

Its been man, wood & fire since the beginning of time so no reason to re-invent the wheel. Something about building that fire and being in full control of the cooking environment from temperature to airflow always satisfied me more than pouring pellets and setting a dial. It really requires INFUZING that passion, love and knowledge of how the meats react to every step of the process from prep/trimming, rubbing, injecting and knowing how much Smoke is to much (we've all had that over powered smoked item at some point in life) right down to carving and presenting the final product. That's what makes it all worth it to me knowing that people "#FollowTheSmoke to put #MyMeatYourMouth"

Contact: Creig a.k.a. TapDat @TapDatBBQ22@gmail.com